hope community past events

Small Groups Week

Hope Groups are your source for friendship, growth, and support.…

VBS at Hope Community

VBS 2018 Each day at Shipwrecked VBS, kids traveled through…

Life in the Presence

You can experience more of God's presence in your life! Join…

This Is Us Sermon Series

We’re not like every church. We’re unique in the kingdom…

Women’s Retreat 2018

The Women of Hope celebrated their relationships with each other…

Transnistria Outreach

As a part of Hope’s Treasures, we commissioned a team of 10…

Men’s Retreat 2018

At our second annual Men’s Winter Retreat at Spruce Lake, about…

Church Hayride 2017

What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the…


Testimony From Chris Sheets I was baptized as an infant, I…

Youthworks Mission Trip 2017

July is mission trip time at Hope Community Church! This year,…

VBS 2017

Each day at Maker Fun Factory VBS, kids traveled through rotations…

Men’s Retreat 2017

Mark Twain once said, “The two most important days of your…