Testimony From Chris Sheets
Testimony From Michele Bechtold
My name is Michele. I was raised Catholic and went to Sunday school and church as a young child but got away from it as a teenager.
I felt as an adult something was missing from my life. I was always envious of my neighbor Cheri’s faith. One day we were talking about that-me being envious and she said you don’t need to be envious, you can have this too. I asked her if I could go to Bible Study with her and it began from there! We studied the book Purpsose Driven Life by John Warren. Soon we came to the chapter about attending Church and I read it and thought how am I ever going to get there. I work retail and
Work every Sunday. God is great though. I went to my manager and asked if I could work a shorter shift. He said Yes, family first. It was as easy as that. God was in my corner. I felt happy, joyful and complete as soon As I begin going to Church. I was filled with emotion and such a powerful feeling of peace and happiness.
After an extremely horrible rough traumatic day at work. The next day I came to work and was struggling with how to deal with this new day.I was having such anxiety about entering the front door. At that moment walking up the steps to my office I felt the presence of God with me as I entered work. He was there with me. I could feel him so strongly telling me “You got this.” I am with you. It made me feel so much better knowing God was there with me holding me up!
I feel changed. There is so much love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control in my heart.
I feel so strong in my faith in Jesus as I follow him.
Thank you Cheri for speaking up that day.