Entries by Hope

Discover Hope

Discover Hope Interested in learning more about Hope Community Church? Our Discover Hope Class provides you a unique opportunity to discover who we are, what God is doing, and how you can take the next step in partnering with us as a “member” of our church family. The next class is Sunday, November 13 after…


Something unique and powerful happens when the church gathers together to worship God and open up His Word. It is essential for our spiritual life, and that’s why we’ve made every effort to keep you and your family safe when we gather together for worship. On Sunday mornings at 10AM, our church meets together in-person while…


So many of us, as we go through life, we start taking things for granted. We get frustrated. We play the comparison game. One of the most powerful things we can do is to shift our mindset and to see our world through a lens of gratitude. Life is full of amazing gifts from God.…


Join us as we start a new series in the book of Joshua, where we will discover what it means to be strong and courageous.


A new five-week series begins on June 28! This is a series on GRACE and on developing a deeper understanding of the incredible power of God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Through this series, you’re going to begin to see and experience the amazing power of God’s grace in your life. You’re not going to want…


Dear church family, We are excited to begin regathering again as a church family at Hope for Sunday morning worship. It’s been a long season apart, and we can’t wait to see you! Our Elders have put together a plan, and we have a lot of unity on this plan. We want to honor God.…

Kingdom Living

The best known sermon that Jesus ever preached is called the Sermon on the Mount, and it’s here that Jesus lays out in simple terms what it means to live out his Kingdom in this world. Join us for this profound and life-changing series starting January 5.

The Gifts of Christmas

Hope, Joy, Peace, Love…as we enter this Advent season, we take time to look at the surroundings and events leading up to the birth of Christ!

Church Lunch

Join us after church on Sunday September 8th for a time of fellowship and fun as we eat together as a church family!

Follow Me

What did Jesus mean when He said, “Follow Me?” Why were people so willing to give up everything to follow him? Invite your world to this powerful new series as we discover what it means to be a disciple!

Tangible Kingdom

Tangible Kingdom is an 8 week life-changing experience for our entire church coming this fall. This course will introduce you to the adventure of a lifetime– following Jesus and making his kingdom tangible to the people around you. The course runs September 29 – November 24, and it’s easy to get involved! The course has…